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Adaptation of the pet after the shelter or overstaying

Tips on how to help the tail get used to new conditions

We are happy that people's attitude towards animals in shelters changes and many of them adopt such a tail into the family.

But it should not be forgotten that most animals in shelters are adults, with formed character and habits. At first, they may fear and distrust you, as well as show anxiety or even aggression towards other animals. Set yourself up to accept them for who they are and give them time and support.

We collected tips that will help four-legged animals adapt to new conditions.

Remember: the decision to take the tail from the shelter must be considered and deliberate. You must be sure of your intentions, because returning to the shelter can be too severe an injury for the animal.

1. Prepare a cozy place in the house where the tail can rest and play. Thus, having his own space, he will feel calm and safe;

2. Determine which feed is suitable for the animal and prepare it in sufficient quantity. If you do not know how to feed, it is better to consult with the shelter staff or the veterinarian.

3. Be patient with your pet during adaptation. The animal should get to know the new family members and the territory at a pace comfortable for it.

If there are children in the family, their contact with the animal should be exclusively under the supervision of adults.

4. Do not shout at the animal and do not force it to do something.

5. Do not ignore the aggressive or "strange" behavior of the tail. He may have been mistre

ated in the past, and this traumatic experience provokes this behavior. If necessary, consult a zoopsychologist.

6. Spend enough time with the tail: play, hug, encourage with treats for any "correct" actions.

For example, following commands, obedience during

a walk, etc. This will speed up the process of your rapprochement and the formation of trust.

7. Socialize your pet. Introduce him to other animals during walks. Let them explore the world and engage in training. Such actions are an integral part of the happy life of the tail.


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