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Mental health of pets

Symptoms of pets’ stress and how to help them

Save Pets of Ukraine emphasizes that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, every fifth animal that people bring to veterinarians has psychological problems.

Tails are afraid of sudden loud sounds (for example, explosions), because of which they experience severe stress. But this is not the only reason that provokes psychological disorders. The following have a negative impact:

► long absence of the petparent;

► keeping the dog on a leash or in a confined space;

► inconsistency in upbringing. If the petparent first forbids, and after some time allows to do a certain action, then the dog feels double emotions and for a long time does not understand which of his behavior is considered correct and which is not;

► aggression or traumatic contacts with strangers or other animals;

► change of residence;

► congenital mental disorders.

For tails, a strong nervous shock is a threat to health.

So, for example, long-term stress can cause hemorrhagic cystitis or pulmonary edema of cats. And dogs could overeat or eat inedible objects, which can lead to digestive problems. Also, against the background of stress, the dog can actively lick itself, which will cause dermatitis.

Contact your veterinarian if you notice changes in your pet's behavior. In this way, you can detect stress in time and help overcome it.


o increased sensitivity to touches or sounds that may be feared;

o constant licking, combing or biting of the fur;

o lack of appetite or, on the contrary, constant "eating";

o fear of being alone at home;

o twitching or trembling of body parts;

o cats may start going to the toilet in other places

But whether these symptoms are really caused by stress, and not by a physical disease, can be found out only by an examination by a veterinarian.


Physical therapy


Animals in a state of stress need increased attention and affection. It is necessary to communicate with them more often, to stroke them, to massage them, in order to ensure complete relaxation. Regularly walk the animals and play active games with them.

2. DIET.

You can include in their daily diet appropriate nutritional supplements that relieve tension:

◦ L-tryptophan - an amino acid that naturally improves sleep, reduces anxiety and mental tension;

◦ Vitamin B6 to support the proper functioning of the nervous system;

◦ Complex of extracts of medicinal plants (valerian and lemon balm).


The animal must clearly understand what behavior you expect from it. Bad behavior should not be encouraged, and good behavior can be treated with treats. Set clear rules and always stick to them.


Being alone, without the presence of the petparent, is stressful for every pet. If you don't have the opportunity to be with your pet all the time, equip him with a cozy corner and put your thing there.


If your pet is afraid of a large crowd of people, you should not take it to such places, it is better to let it stay at home for a short time.


These are biologically active substances that help calm animals in stressful situations.

Synthesized pheromone mimics the effect of real pheromones. For example, what females secrete from the mammary glands after childbirth. This pheromone ensures the relationship between the puppy and the mother and has a calming effect on the puppy. Therefore, frightened puppies feel safe next to their mother, despite the fear of the unknown.

Drug therapy

Antidepressants and any psychotropic drugs should be used only on the prescription of a veterinary specialist and in compliance with the dosage.

It is also better to be careful with lighter sedatives, having previously consulted with a specialist.


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